Who we are

After a dementia diagnosis, the Essence Service is the first port of call for people in Sunderland with mild to moderate dementia and those who care for them in their own home.

What is the Essence Service ?

Age UK Sunderland works in partnership across the City of Sunderland to provide a free and dedicated service for people who have been diagnosed with mild to moderate dementia and their carers.

Funded by NHS North East and North Cumbria, the Essence Service offers a wide range of practical support by giving information in areas around health, wellbeing and legal issues while ensuring people are aware of how to access services that are of benefit to them.

People with mild to moderate dementia also receive emotional and peer support to help understand and deal with their dementia diagnosis in a positive way.

Evidence suggests that keeping active and stimulated when a person has mild to moderate dementia is essential as it slows down its progression and maintains wellbeing.

With this in mind, the Essence Service offers a variety of activities from its Doxford Park centre in Sunderland and in the wider community.

Activities can include coffee mornings, reminiscence sessions, seated exercise and much more.

The Essence Service also recognises the vital role of carers and the impact caring for someone with dementia can have, and is dedicated to providing a listening ear to carers as well as practical support and signposting.

The Essence building has received awards for its dementia-friendly design, and every attention to detail has been made to ensure that those who receive support feel as comfortable as they can be in a welcoming environment.  

We support all residents of Sunderland including the Coalfields and Washington.

Meet the team

Tracy Collins - Director of Age UK Sunderland

Tracy Collins

Chief Executive Officer of Age UK Sunderland

Angela Newton

Essence Service Manager
Leah Abdulla - Senior Operations Manager

Leah Abdulla

Senior Operations Manager

Kelly Drinkwater

Essence Administrator
Lyn Crawford - Essence Service Phase 2 Carer Navigator

Lyn Crawford

Essence Service Phase 2 Carer Navigator
Val Kirby - Essence Information & Advice Officer

Val Kirby

Essence Welfare Benefits Adviser
Karen McKinney - Essence Support Worker

Karen McKinney

Essence Support Worker

Coming soon

Essence Support Worker
Gemma Musson - Dementia Diagnosis Facilitator

Gemma Musson

Essence Support Worker
Paul Adams - Essence Support Worker

Paul Adams

Essence Support Worker

Nicole Mysleyko

Activities Facilitator
Alyson Ruffell - Essence Lifestyle Worker

Alyson Ruffell

Essence Lifestyle Worker

For further information about the Essence Service please contact:

The Essence Service
Sir Thomas Allen Centre
Mill Hill Road
Doxford Park 

Phone: 0191 522 1310
Email: essenceservice@ageuksunderland.org.uk

  • Make a referral
Complete our referral form online, submitting information direct to our team.
  • Get in touch
Call our confidential advice line on 0191 514 1131.

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This website is managed by Age UK Sunderland working in partnership with Age UK. Age UK Sunderland, Bradbury Centre, Stockton Road, Sunderland, SR27AQ.
Registered charity number 1086995. Company number 4199449. VAT registration number 839150716. ® Age UK Sunderland 2022. All rights reserved.